I’m heading to Milwaukee on Tuesday for the Annual Meeting
of the Evangelical Theological Society.
It should be a good opportunity to spend time with friends I
don’t often see, perhaps network a bit, and sit in on a few papers (and
hopefully be intelligent enough to engage the presenters).
I’m really pumped about the following papers:
- God and the Mind/Body Problem: A Critique of Selected Christian Physicalists
- The Atonement as Vicarious Victory: Understanding the Warfare-Oriented Relationship between Penal Substitution and Christus Victor
- The Logical Euthyphro: Laying Out the Options for God and Logic
- Truth - Who Needs It?
- Way Outside the Box: Why Paul's Doctrine of Justification Was Risky, Offensive, and Unparalleled in Early Judaism
- Adam's Duty: Evolution and Human Responsibility
- Can't We All Just Get Along? Friendly Atheism and the Epistemology of Religious Disagreement
Is anyone else coming?
If so, what papers are you interested in listening to?
Also, if you’re coming, let me know, maybe we could grab a
meal, ale, or coffee together!